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Learning Adobe Flash CS3

by Greg Bowden (364 pages)

The Learning Adobe Flash CS3 tutorials provide animation lessons for beginners and advanced users.


Adobe Flash CS3 tutorials

Module 1 provides introductory exercises including Flash CS3 drawing tools, using symbols, tween animations, shape animations, fixed-point animations, motion guide animations, keyframe animations, Flash buttons and publishing animations.

Module 2 provides extended Flash CS3 exercises including the use of movie clips, text effects, masks, adding and editing sounds, timeline effects, behaviours, animating still photos, video clips and scenes.


Support files that provide all the images, videos and data required to complete the activities are included with the product.





Contact us if you wish to purchase any of these products.



  • Chapters and Sample Pages
  • Chapter Descriptions



Module 1 Flash CS3 Basics


Contents (Modules 1 and 2)

view pages (115k)

Chapter 1: Getting Started With Flash (16 pages)

view sample pages (404k)

Chapter 2: Drawing Tools (24 pages)

view sample pages (587k)

Chapter 3: Symbols, Libraries and Layers (22 pages)

view sample pages (614k)

Chapter 4: Tween Animations (16 pages)

view sample pages (416k)

Chapter 5: Multiple Object Animations (10 pages)


Chapter 6: Shape Tweening (16 pages)

view sample pages (408k)

Chapter 7: Fixed Point Animations (15 pages)

view sample pages (647k)

Chapter 8: Motion Guide Animations (16 pages)

view sample pages (753k)

Chapter 9: Keyframe Animations (14 pages)

view sample pages (434k)

Chapter 10: Creating Buttons (20 pages)

view sample pages (648k)

Chapter 11: Publishing Animations (8 pages)


Flash Project 1 (Multi-user version only)





Module 2 Flash CS3 Extended Exercises


Chapter 12: Creating Movie Clips (14 pages)

view sample pages (528k)

Chapter 13: Adding Sounds to Animations (14 pages)

view sample pages (412k)

Chapter 14: Using Masks (22 pages)

view sample pages (527k)

Chapter 15: Timeline Effects (18 pages)

view sample pages (499k)

Chapter 16: Using Behaviours (12 pages)

view sample pages (453k)

Chapter 17: Text Effects (20 pages)

view sample pages (545k)

Chapter 18: Text Effect Movie Clips (16 pages)

view sample pages (485k)

Chapter 19: Animating Still Photos (14 pages)

view sample pages (497k)

Chapter 20: Using Video Clips (24 pages)

view sample pages (584k)

Chapter 21: Creating Scenes (12 pages)


Flash Project 2 (Multi-user version only)




The tutorials can be used onscreen next to the software package, from a tablet or printed. Assignments are provided at the end of each chapter and the multi-user version provides projects at the end of each module.



Module 1 Chapter Descriptions



Chapter 1: Getting Started With Flash


This chapter introduces students to the Flash interface. It includes:

  • the components of the Flash screen including the workspace and the panels.

  • using rulers, grids and guides.

  • using simple drawings tools - rectangle, oval, line and brush.



Chapter 2: Drawing Tools


This chapter introduces the Flash Drawing Tools in more detail including:

  • Adobe Flash CS3 drawing tools

    cookie cutting.

  • the Selection tool.

  • the Pencil, Brush, Paint Bucket and Ink Bottle tools.

  • The Eyedropper and Eraser tools.

  • Object Drawing.

  • the assignment involves the drawing of an alien.




Chapter 3: Symbols, Libraries and Layers


Adobe Flash CS3 symbols, library, layersDemonstrates how to use symbols, libraries and layers which are an integral part of Flash animations. It includes:

  • how to create a symbol and use it from the Library panel.

  • how to create layers, change their order, lock them and turn them on or off.

  • the assignment involves the creation of a simple web page using layers.




Chapter 4: Motion Tween Animations


Demonstrates how to create simple motion tween animations. It includes:

  • creating symbols.

  • setting a motion tween.

  • rotating objects in animations.

  • scaling objects.

  • adjusting the motion path.

  • inserting keyframes.

  • adjusting the length of animations.

  • clearing keyframes.



Chapter 5: Multiple Object Animations

Demonstrates how combine more than one object in an animation. It includes:

  • setting fixed objects in layers and locking them.

  • inserting frames.

  • setting the stage colour

  • animating objects in their own layers.

  • adjusting the shape of animated objects.

  • students create a bouncing ball animation.




Chapter 6: ShapeTweening


Demonstrates the two other tweening types that Flash provides, Shape Tweening and Classic Tweening. It includes:

  • changing a circle into a rectangle then back to a circle again by reversing frames.

  • using shape hints.

  • reversing animations.

  • modifying the bouncing ball animation so that the ball distorts as it bounces off the fixed object, then returns to its original shape.





Chapter 7: Fixed Point Animations


Demonstrates how to make objects animate around a fixed point. It involves:

  • editing symbols to set the registration (rotation) point.

  • setting the rotation.

  • animating the hands of a clock.

  • animating more that one object.

  • the assignment involves students creating a car speedometer.




Chapter 8: Circular Animations


Demonstrates how to set objects to animate around an enclosed path. It includes:

  • creating symbols.

  • adjusting motion paths.

  • setting beetles to race around a track.

  • stopping an animation.

  • adding and removing frames.

  • the assignment involves students creating a solar system animation.




Chapter 9: KeyFrame Animations


Demonstrates how to set keyframe animations, which mimics how animations were created before the use of computers. It includes:

  • drawing an eye, copying the eye then making one eye wink.

  • keyframes are duplicated and the contents of the duplicate modified.

  • the assignment involves students creating an eclipse of the sun animation.





Chapter 10: Creating Buttons


Demonstrates how to create Flash buttons. It includes:

  • setting button symbols.

  • setting the up, over and down states.

  • setting the hit area.

  • creating a navigation bar for a web site

  • using Flash's prepared buttons.






Chapter 11: Publishing Animations


Demonstrates how to publish animations. It includes:

  • the difference between .FLA and .SWF files.

  • publish settings.

  • adding Flash animations to DreamWeaver.

  • Document size.



Project 1: iSounds


This project is only available in the multi-user versions. It involves students creating an opening page for the iSounds company which sells music over the internet. Students are required to create a web page that includes at least 2 animations and a navigation bar that has Flash buttons.





Module 2 Chapter Descriptions




Chapter 12: Creating Movie Clips

This chapter introduces:

  • the creation and use of movie clip symbols.

  • self-contained animations are created then placed in other animations.

  • multiple instances of the movie clips are added to the animation.







Chapter 13: Adding Sounds to Animations


Demonstrates how to include and control sounds by adding an engine track to the car speedo animations created in an earlier chapter. The chapter includes:

  • Adding sounds to the library.

  • synchronizing sounds.

  • using fade in effects.

  • removing sound effects.

  • editing sound effects.

  • adding sounds to buttons.



Chapter 14: Using Masks

Demonstrates how use masks in animations. It includes:

  • creating a mask layer.

  • setting the mask effect.

  • animating the mask to create a spotlight effect.

  • creating masks as movie clips.

  • animating the movie clip mask.






Chapter 15: Using Timeline Effects


This chapter demonstrates how to use the Timeline Effects to make animations appear more realistic. It includes:

  • using drop shadows.

  • transform effects.

  • transition effects.

  • blur effects.

  • explode effects.





Chapter 16: Using Behaviours


Demonstrates how to make use behaviours to make animations interactive with the screen. A firing a gun animation that could be used in computer games is created. Click on the gun in the sample to see the effect. The chapter involves:

  • setting invisible buttons.

  • setting and editing behaviours.

  • adding sounds to behaviour .

  • adding sounds to buttons.

  • deleting behaviours.





Chapter 17: Text Effects


Introduces the use of more detailed text effects including:

  • formatting text..

  • character spacing and vertical text.

  • selectable text.

  • linking text.

  • breaking text into layers

  • using guide layers.

  • animating letters of a word.

  • distorting text

  • creating text shape tweens




Chapter 18: Text Effect Movie Clips


Demonstrates how to create text effects as movie clips and include them in animations. It includes:

  • breaking text apart

  • distributing letters to layers

  • animating letters within the movie clip.

  • using the movie clip.

  • editing the movie clip.




Chapter 19: Animation Still Photos


Demonstrates how to animate sections of a still photo to give the impression that they are a moving object. It includes:

  • breaking a photo into pixels.

  • erasing the sections to be animated.

  • converting the sections to symbols.

  • setting the registration point.

  • animating the sections.







Chapter 20: Using Video Clips


Adobe Flash CS3 video clipsThis chapter demonstrates how to work with video clips in Flash. It includes:

  • importing video clips.

  • inserting video clips into movie clips.

  • controlling the playing of video clips.

  • creating a simple electronic portfolio.




Chapter 21: Using Scenes


Demonstrates how to use scenes within Flash to build an overall animation. It includes:

  • adding and naming scenes.

  • adding content to scenes.

  • duplicating scenes

  • stopping the overall animation.




Project 2: Alby's AutoBarn


This project is only available in the multi-user versions. It involves students creating 4 separate scenes for a used car dealer that could be added to a web site using the skills developed in Module 2.